Please click on a photo gallery to view. We hope you enjoy the galleries. Most of the photos were taken in Cleveland, Ohio.
Flower Digital Gallery 1
Digital close up shots of flowers using my Nikon D3100. The photo of the white lily was shot using a 40 mm micro lens with extension tubes. On the lens was mounted a macro ring light for illumination. The peonies were photographed at the Holden Arboretum.
Cleveland Photo Gallery
Digital shots around the Cleveland area. The night shots were taken using long exposure times. All digital images are shot with completely manual settings occasionally using neutral density filters or polarizers. Post processing in Photoshop is minimal with conventional darkroom techniques. There are no elements present in the digital photographs that were not present in the scene. The chip from the Horseshoe Casino was mounted on a glass vase.

Cleveland Innerbelt Bridge Construction Digital Gallery 1
In the next couple of days steel girders will be erected over the river. Two barges will be used: one will carry steel pieces and the second will hold a 20-story crane that weighs in at 275 tons. The crane will work with cranes on land to lift and join the steel pieces. The river is about 200 feet wide at the work site, and the span between the piers is 380 feet. The bridge is scheduled for completion in October.

Black and White Film Gallery 1
Here we have a few photos that Jerry took when he first started using his Pentax K1000. The shots include flowers, ivy, and a late night shot of a lit backyard after a rain.