Gerber Daisy
Last night I decided to try my new Sigma em-140 ring flash for my close-up photography. I am glad I did. It was a bit confusing at first because the instruction manual only gives some very basic instruction. I set up my shot with a black velvet background and used my Nikon 40 mm micro lens. The ring flash was set to have both tubes fire at once. I was able to take the photographs without a tripod. Below are two of my favorite photos from last evening. Both were taken with the 40 mm micro lens, at f/5.6 at 1/60s and ISO 100. The ring flash works great and I will let you know more about it as I learn how to use it. I think this is a great addition to my equipment for close-up photography.

Gerber Daisy

Gerber Daisy Close-up